Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Work-Out Wonder

To give some background on the experience I'm about to relate, as I have mentioned, I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, and as such we have a general schedule in which to plan our days. In the morning we all have the opportunity to exercise in order to keep our bodies working well for the work that we do. This morning, we were going through the normal routine, with my companions getting up about 10 minutes before me so they could do their pre-workout, and I, waking up a little later in time to accompany them to go and exercise. As we arrived at the gym, we found a couple of other people who have gotten on my nerves as of late, and because of such, I began to lose the good spirits I had started the day with. I began my exercise routine, and tried to get into a healthy routine of stretching and a good cardio workout, but these bad feelings I had towards these people were getting in my way mentally, affecting my ability to exercise. So, I prayed to my Father in Heaven for help in staying positive, looking for the good that these individuals do, and regaining the good spirit I was in when I woke up this morning. After I finished and proceeded to run on the treadmill, I started to remember some positive things about these individuals, and my feelings began to change. Despite the bad feelings I had been harboring against them, these more positive thoughts began to take root and I started to see some good in them. By the time we were finished with our excerise this morning, I was back in the good spirits that I was feeling when I left my apartment this morning. I know that God helped my in my small difficulty this morning, because on my own I would have still have been angry and upset with them for their past actions. God helped me see through my grievances to help me see a small glimmer of what He sees in them. So, my question to you all today is, "How has prayer helped you in the trials of you own life?" -Elder Wesley Cannon

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