Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who am I?

     That's a great question.  It's a question that can go just about in any direction and is mostly dependent on your own mood at the time.  So, who am I?  I could easily start off by saying that I am a Texan and that is where I live.  Or, I can define myself as an American who loves the fact that he has freedom in this world where many don't.  What would that say about me?  Would it say that I am just measly, defined by where I live, and that is what is most important in my life or what I am most proud about?  So, what if I am not defined by where I live, but by what I do and all the wonderful things I have accomplished in this life so far.  Would that be any closer to defining who I am?  I have made a duct tape suit and dress for prom, I have built many theater sets for high school, and I have run the backstage work for these shows so that they run smoothly.  I have been a part of three different marching band shows in high school and a part of many award-winning band groups, both in concert and out on the field.  Then, with my academics, I have gone to state competitions in German and in the sciences.  I have gotten accepted into Brigham Young University and have done well with my studies there so far.  Does that even begin to describe me?  There is a song I would like to quote from the movie, The Prince of Egypt.  Moses' father-in-law sings this song to him when he is feeling down and rather worthless in the sight of man.  These are the words his father-in-law sings:

"How can you measure the worth of a man, by what he builds or buys? You can never see with your eyes on Earth.  Look at your life through Heaven's Eyes."

     So, again I ask, how do you define someone--by looking at them as a man sees them?  A man only sees what they have done, what they do now, and what will they do in the future, and most people are content with that.  But I am not.  How can you see all the good they have done which is not measured appreciably by man.  How can you see all of the tender moments spent comforting someone who has lost a brother, for instance?  How can you see the eternal impact of helping someone else receive the same joy you have?  How can you look at a man and judge him merely by what the world cares about?  You cannot define or measure a man without the help of our Heavenly Father.  We can not know of the infinite potential another human being has, no matter their race, creed, or nationality, etc. without the infinite knowledge our loving Father in Heaven has for each of us.  
     To define all that I do into one easy statement:  I am a child of God, who is the most creative and most infinite being of the Universe.  How easy is it, then, to know of my worth and appreciate all the good that can come from just me alone?  To know that I comfort those who stand in need of comfort?  That I, too, need to be comforted because I make mistakes along the way? 
     In explanation of the subject matter of this post, we were out helping one of the older members of our ward with some things she needed done around her home.  We always love coming to her home and seeing the bright smile that comes to her face whenever we come and freely impart of the time we have that day, even if it's just for a little while.  Despite all the trials that have been coming to her lately, she still manages to be happy when we are around.  Us just listening and trying to show her the love that Jesus would show if he was there, means all the world to her.  This very simple act of listening, is not something which would normally be measured by man, but it is measured by God.  For He wants us to be as His perfect son, Jesus Christ is--to show charity, or His love to everyone around us, no matter what they have done, or perhaps will do to us.
    I am a Child of our Heavenly Father, and that is who I am.  So, I ask the question to all of you, Who are you?

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